Are we in deep, deep trouble when the media loses all trust? The recent sightings of drones flying over homes in New Jersey has triggered a wave of new sources of information and speculation. Many people have millions of adoring fans and followers. Some in the media who complain and lambast the mainstream and traditional media the most, re-broadcast their opinions, rants, conspiracy theories and speculation in headlines. More evidence that we as a society are handing the megaphone from one flawed entity to another?
In real estate land we have seen this megaphone handed to the reality TV stars and others who have a big following on Youtube, Instagram or Tiktok, most of whom are much more focused on their wealth than the truth. Overall, about 54% of US adults say they at least sometimes get news from social media and it's worse for younger adults. Most news influencers have never been employed by or associated with a news outlet, with 77% reporting they have no past or present affiliation with a news media organization. Social media algorithms watch what you are watching and then multiply the volume of the stuff you seem to be attracted to, often artificially skewing your opinions and perceptions of the truth.
This does not mean that all social media news people are preaching false information and it does not imply that traditional media is to be entirely trusted. I've had personal experience with the 'established media' to know that they too often have self-serving agendas. Yes, we must protect free speech but who has the time to scrutinize all these voices? The volume of the noise is reaching a fevered pitch. The more outrageous the claims or headlines, the bigger the audience. Is there some AI that can automatically fact-check all that we hear and see, and who will control that AI? What data will that AI be sourcing?
Any entity that wishes to divide and mis-inform a society must love this. They must be celebrating. We are unfortunately all losing. Yes, some may gain power and wealth from this, but in reality a society making decisions on false information is potentially doomed. There has always been false information out there, but in recent years this has multiplied dramatically.
So today I am asking you to dedicate a little time each day to countering the false information and narratives that are being spewed out there 24/7 - loudly - with facts and data. Participate in those comments sections. Do so in the areas where you have real, verifiable knowledge and back your claims up. Do so respectfully. Post your own social media with hard facts and data. If we don't fight this era of misinformation, we will all pay a horrific price. One thing we can be certain of: repeating false information often enough can indeed make it fact in the minds of millions.
It's a positive to identify a problem and help work towards a fix. Fight back!