Some buyers feel like they owe themselves to see EVERYTHING on the market - sometimes over an extended period of time - before making a buying decision. Months! YEARS! Some people are inherently indecisive. Others are just picky. Some are serial lookers. Every buyer has their own pace and often during the search process they discover what that pace is....and what they truly want and like.
Buyer exhaustion can lead to three outcomes:
- Once they have seen everything they have truly learned what they like and don't like. They then pick 'the one' from that which they saw (if it's still available) or they pick the next property that comes along that truly meets their needs.
- They put things on hold and wait and see. Often these buyers never come back into the markets and remain 'serial renters'. The fear of commitment is too overwhelming or they have better use of their money or they plan to move....
- Out of sheer exhaustion they simply buy the next property that comes along.
In each of these scenarios, it's important that I observe closely, listen and absorb what is really going on. With a clearer understanding, I can provide much more effective guidance. It is dangerous to assume anything. It is during these uncertain buyer moments that I can add real, substantive value into the lives of the consumer. No algorithmic, transaction obsessed or salaried "home shower" is capable of this invaluable service. It is a combination of great sensory skills, psychology, and expertise honed over time.
Great communicators have an advantage with buyers. Great listeners and problem solvers even more so. When I provide these buyers with non-Google-able insights and thoughtful, human intelligence not just about the process, but about the clients themselves, I am performing an advisory role that is of a high professional caliber.